Evolutionary Biology

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Sequencher 5.4.1 is Released!

Gene Codes announces the release of Sequencher 5.4.1.  This new release adds features to Sanger and NGS such as:

  • Build GSNAP Databases and BWA Indexes that can be re-used and persisted with your project.
  • Sequencher is able to handle larger genomes when aligning sequences using GSNAP and BWA.
  • An updated External Data Browser that now includes a Final Run Status column that will report statuses of SUCCESS and FAILED.
  • An updated External Data Browser that includes run results for new DNA-Seq options for GSNAP Databases and BWA Indexes.
  • Sequencher Connections now offers the ability to send primer pair sequences returned from a Primer-BLAST run to your Sequencher project.
  • Primer sequences sent to your Sequencher project from Sequencher Connections have colored bases and primer features applied to them.

Sequencher 5.4 is now available!

Gene Codes announces the release of Sequencher 5.4.  This new release adds features to Sanger, NGS and RNA-Seq analyses such as:

  • Expanded Cufflinks suite with the addition of Cuffquant and Cuffnorm.  Sequencher 5.4 also has replicates functionality with a unique Conditions and Replicates Editor for Cuffdiff and Cuffnorm.
  • Enhanced RNA-Seq visualizations with custom sorting and filtering options.
  • View and save quality scores and metadata of your NGS raw data files with FastQC reports.
  • Generate Variant Calling Files (VCF) to flag variants in your NGS alignments using SAMtools.
  • Updated version of GSNAP which runs faster and has additional alignment modes.
  • An updated External Data Browser for organizing both DNA-Seq and RNA-Seq projects.
  • Sequencher Connections has improved organization and usability.

Sequencher 5.3 is now available!

Gene Codes announces the release of Sequencher 5.3.  We continue to add more features for Sanger and NGS users including:

  • The Cufflinks suite for RNA-Seq data ÔÇô Our user-friendly interface gives you the power of the command line without the hassle of the command line.
  • Visualization tools for Differential Expression analysis.
  • Enhancements to Sequencher Connections ÔÇô Our visionary tool for running multiple analyses in parallel is now more flexible and customizable. 

Sequencher 5.2.4 is Available!

Gene Codes is proud to announce the release of our most flexible version of Sequencher ever!  Sequencher 5.2.4 combines support for all licensing options whether it's standalone or network, dongle or keyless. 

Network customers using KeyServer now have access to all the latest features:

  • Sequencher Connections - A whole new way to accelerate your analysis!  Perform multiple customized BLAST searches or MUSCLE alignment on single or groups of sequences.  View your results in webpage, text, or XML format all without leaving Sequencher!
  • Use MUSCLE to create phylogenetic trees that can be viewed in multiple formats.
  • BWA reference-guided alignment algorithm for NGS data sets.
  • Added GSNAP flexibility - You now have the ability to capture reads that didn't align, or even to select only reads that didn't align. 

Sequencher 5.1 is Available Now!

Gene Codes announces the release of Sequencher 5.1 DNA analysis software for Sanger or NGS data sets. Some of the new features include:

  • De Novo Alignment for NGS data
  • Multiplex ID Assembly
  • A new sequence alignment algorithm for Sanger data
  • A protein searching feature for any type of DNA sequence data

Sequencher 5.0.1 for Mac OSX (Lion) has been released.

Macintosh OS X Lion Compatibility is coming soon.

A new Macintosh version of Sequencher fully compatible with Apple's OS 10.7 (Lion) will begin beta-testing in September. Keep checking our website or follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter for updates on the final release schedule.

Gene Codes’ Sequencher 5.0 Delivers Next-generation DNA Sequence Analysis

Gene Codes Corporation announces the release of Sequencher 5.0. It incorporates new DNA sequence data alignment algorithms with SNP and methylation analysis for next-generation DNA sequence data. Performance for assembly and alignment of sequences and contigs is hundreds of times faster. New alignment functions and database searching features make getting reliable results from both capillary electrophoresis and next-generation data faster than ever.
