About Gene Codes

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Gene Codes Corporation is an international software firm specializing in bioinformatics software for DNA sequence analysis. Gene Codes' scientist-friendly software tools hold the dominant share in the DNA sequencing sector and are unrivaled in forensic DNA identification for mass fatalities.

Gene Codes' success is built on customer-driven product development, combining the latest programming techniques, rigorous quality control and an open dialogue with customers to produce products of the utmost usability and industry relevance.

Since 1991, when Gene Codes first introduced its groundbreaking Sequencher software for sequence analysis, we have served the needs of industrial, academic and government-based biotechnology groups across the globe.

As the popularity of Sequencher has grown, so has the company. Gene Codes is a motivated, enthusiastic, high-energy organization based in Ann Arbor, with offices in New York City and in Brighton, England. Gene Codes' corporate culture values flexible collaboration, shared responsibility, and dynamic change.