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Gene Codes releases Sequencher 5.4.6.

Gene Codees announces CodeLinker 1.0

Gene Codes releases Sequencher 5.4.5.



Gene Codes releases Sequencher 5.4.1.

Gene Codes releases Sequencher 5.4.  This new release adds features to Sanger, NGS and RNA-Seq analyses.



Sequencher 5.3 introduces new functionality for RNA-Seq analyses, as well as enhancements to Sequencher Connections. 

Sequencher 5.2.4 combines support for all different license options, whether it's standalone or network, dongle or keyless. 



Gene Codes launches Sequencher 5.2 with Sequencher Connections.



Gene Codes launches Sequencher 5.1 for Windows and Mac platforms in 2012.



Gene Codes launches Sequencher 5.0.1 for Mac platforms in 2011.

Gene Codes launches Sequencher 5.0 for Windows and Mac platforms in 2011.


Gene Codes launches Sequencher 4.10 for Windows and Mac platforms in 2010.
CDC custom version of Sequencher dramatically impacts productivity. A research fellow writes, "I just wanted to let you know how much the modifications to Sequencher have assisted in our data flow. The time saving has been amazing. Assembling our data has taken third the time it usually does, and has allowed for the smoothest assembly of our data for a vaccine selection that I can remember. Additionally noteworthy as we have produced more data for this selection than ever before. Please let your programmers know that the work that they have done has truly helped and thank them for their efforts."



Gene Codes launches Sequencher 4.9 for Windows and Mac platforms in 2009.
Gene Codes contracted to build special version of Sequencher for US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.



Gene Codes launches Sequencher 4.8 for Windows and Mac platforms in 2007.



Gene Codes launches Sequencher 4.6 for Windows and Mac platforms in  2006 and Sequencher 4.7 for both platforms in 2006.


Gene Codes Corporation personnel are on the ground in Thailand soon after the devastating tsunami and provide assistance and DNA identification services using M-FISys.
Gene Codes launches Sequencher 4.5 for Windows and Mac platforms.



Gene Codes launches Sequencher for Macintosh OSX while continuing to support Classic Macintosh and Windows operating systems.



775 Technology Drive in Ann Arbor, Michigan, becomes our new headquarters.



New York City Office of the Chief Medical Examiner [OCME] asks Gene Codes to assist in the effort to identify the victims of the World Trade Center terrorist attack. Gene Codes Forensics is formed as a wholly owned subsidiary. Gene Codes' employees and shareholders respond wholeheartedly to this call to service. The first iteration of MFISYS ("EMPHASIS"), the mass fatality identification system, is released in December 2001. The WTC effort concluded in February 2005.



The Forensic version of Sequencher becomes the standard at the FBI and other labs around the world engaged in identification through mtDNA sequencing.



Gene Codes opens offices in Philadelphia and the United Kingdom.



With substantial new enhancements for mutation detection and expressed protein comparisons, Gene Codes launches on the Microsoft Windows platform.



Gene Codes builds a special Forensic version of Sequencher for the U.S. Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory [AFDIL]. The Forensic Build of Sequencher facilitates identification by "mitotyping," the sequencing of the hypervariable regions of the mitochondrial genome. AFDIL uses Sequencher to help identify the remains of American service men and women who have died in active duty so they can be returned to their families.



Nearly every major pharmaceutical company and commercial genomics company in the world standardizes on Sequencher, as do most labs at major academic centers.



At the Cellular Biology meeting in Boston, Massachusetts, Gene Codes introduces Sequencher, for the analysis and assembly of DNA fragments.



Howard Cash, President and C.E.O. incorporates Gene Codes in Ann Arbor, Michigan.