Sequencher 5.2.4 is Available!

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Gene Codes is proud to announce the release of our most flexible version of Sequencher ever!  Sequencher 5.2.4 combines support for all licensing options whether it's standalone or network, dongle or keyless. 

Network customers using KeyServer now have access to all the latest features:

  • Sequencher Connections - A whole new way to accelerate your analysis!  Perform multiple customized BLAST searches or MUSCLE alignment on single or groups of sequences.  View your results in webpage, text, or XML format all without leaving Sequencher!
  • Use MUSCLE to create phylogenetic trees that can be viewed in multiple formats.
  • BWA reference-guided alignment algorithm for NGS data sets.
  • Added GSNAP flexibility - You now have the ability to capture reads that didn't align, or even to select only reads that didn't align.